Notes from Asheville Social Media School – Class #1 – Feb 25, 2010


Here are the recap notes for the Asheville Social Media School – Class #1 by G Social Media that was held at the Downtown Market. Please review these before the next class we will be moving onto setting up a Twitter and Facebook account and also a Facebook Fan Page. We are going to learn the do’s and dont’s and some great tips to help you grow your network! We are also going to hear from some great guest networkers.

1. Class Rules –

a. Meet a minimum of 5 new people or businesses each time you come. Document these people in one way or another. Maybe make a list of “New people I have met in 2010” etc. This will show you how to network. Also, reach out and meet someone totally opposite of your niche, someone you can never imagine working with, and someone who you may have thought “I will never need that service or person.”

b. Ask Questions! Some cards are available and you can ask any questions you may have about social media and networking. You can also ask them via my email. We will either answer them in class, online or both.

c. Try to take notes. Even if you never look at them again, notes provide more retention.

d. Try to be sociable – This is the beginning of social media.

2. Little Intro about me –
I set up and train people and businesses on social media and networking. I run a company called which is actively involved in the social media scene, and I network with everyone – Open and Closed Networkers – Community – We do this together, nobody owns it anymore.

3. Social Media has been around forever – But the methods have changed some. (Mail, Telephone, Art, Television, Cell Phones, Internet, Email, Instant Message, Websites, Texting, Social Networking, Social Media)

4. What is Social Media –

a. Being sociable, open, and accessible. A sense of humor or event attempt is great too.

b. How many of you watch Deal or No Deal? You cannot being the banker, live up in your tinted glass room, and be sociable.

c. The old way of making connections was that you connected with those who were applicable to what you were trying to accomplish.

d. Today, we connect with everyone knowing that everyone is a potential client, knows a potential client, or has a voice somewhere.

e. Before we just connected with those that “applied” but now we connect with everyone and take the “better” relationships deeper. Also know that every one person has at least 5-10 close connects.

5. Who created Social Media?

a. I want you to write “G Social Media” here…. And then after that write “did not invent social media.”

b. Al Gore didn’t, and not talking politics, but Obama’s campaign made the whole world more aware than ever about it. People started paying attention. From hobby to essential.

6. Why is Social Media Important –

a. The term “friend” has changed. You are my friend if we only met on Facebook. You are my friend if you are connected to me on Twitter. I think of my friends first when making choices, gathering information and making buying decisions.

b. This is the current way to maximize your communication and mass communicate. Versus Instant Messenger, Email, One on One,

c. It levels the playing field with the “Big Boys” – Everyone is somewhat equal, has a voice, and is accountable to each other. Great for handicapped people… or businesses that may have a handicap as far as certain limitations.

d. People listen more to people in their networks, not search engines or blatant advertising.

e. Crowd sourcing is awesome. Ask the multitudes! Get answers and opinions.

f. Without it, both you and your business are mute. We cannot hear you.

7. How can I be sociable? –
Start simple – (Being Sociable & Taking it Online)

a. Respect others for who they are, their niche, their mission

b. Respect humanity – Know that people are different. In race, religion, employment, activities, lifestyle, etc. You need to be open to everyone to maximize the effectiveness of your communication. Understand that social media has no room for exclusion and prejudice.

c. Be transparent – Using social media allows others to come into your world. Make sure you have clarity and direction when they enter. This is where you need to show yourself sociable. Be real, be friendly, and be positive. Then process them kindly.

d. Be personable – First name basis is great!

e. Learn how to open the conversation. About you… who, what, when, where, how. Then listen to them when they speak the same information. Document it!

f. Be cool. Folks will be quick to call you out and label you (@%*^!+) if you do not have the common respect expected. Not telling you to walk on eggshells, but “Just being Yourself” sometimes does not work for everyone. Learn to be flexible, get on our level, and be cool.

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    • Dulcita Love
    • February 27, 2010

    Gary, Thanks for the notes! Some very notable quotes. Dulcita Love @dulcitalove

    • scootersav
    • February 26, 2010

    Thanks for sharing Gary and wish I could have been there! I've made many friends in Asheville thanks to Twitter. Cathy @rodgersrave

    • icanewfriend
    • February 26, 2010

    This is great. Thank you for sharing it with others outside the class. It is good to have a basic understanding of how others present this information to Web 2.0 beginners, so more can teach others and open them up to a new and exciting world they may never see, otherwise. My mother is 86 years old and really doesn't have a clue about social networking. When I show her what the Web is capable of, she is amazed. Imagine, what this must look like to someone born in 1924, when just owning a refrigerator was a big deal and there was no television or air comditioners.

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