11 Tweeters You Will Meet in Twitter Heaven

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If there is a Twitter Heaven, these are some of the peeps that I expect to see… These Are They:

1. The Networker – These are the people that connect. They reach out to other people and companies all across the world on Twitter. They look for things that are similiar instead of seeking out differences. They have a live and let live, tweet and let tweet attitude. They understand that each business is different, each company has a certain niche, and not everyone has to be like them. They follow and follow back. The “Networker” is their name and impartially networking is their passion.
2. The Contributor – These are the folks who love to help, inspire, and contribute tips and information to help others with their social media, business, industry and life. These people are farmers. They cultivate the Twitter land. They plant, sow, and give where needed… sometimes never having to see that seed necessarily grow. They just love to plant! Some of this is done by educating, inspiring, and even sharing quotes that help us. Oh, they contribute Hashtags too. They are “Contributors”!
3. The Socializer – Here are the people that blend and friend. Here and there, they connect and communicate. They love to socialize! They are happy to meet you, excited about your passion, and want to learn more. They look for ways to connect one friend or connection to another. The “S” on their chest stands for “Socializer”.
4. The Personalizer – These people connect with people on a more human level and are not “all business”, as nice as that may sound. They do not simply Sell Sell Sell; they listen, hear, learn and give feedback. They make our experience “Personal”!
5. The Humorer – Laughter is the best medicine sometimes and this person makes sure they get a laugh, giggle, smile or at least a smurk out of you with their Tweets. Humor is a part of life, and many of us would do good to accept some in and give some out. Sometimes things could get so hectic, I have to just sit back and laugh for a minute. It may be that humorous tweet that gives me that second wind I really needed. The “Humorer” is funny!
6. The Balancer – The “Balancer” strategically posts twitter updates where the viewer is not overwhelmed with the same exact tweet every 30 seconds. Variety is their sub title. They talk about business, personal, life, humor, promotions, ideas, etc… and blend it all together, giving us a balanced experience.
7. The Consumer – These are the buyers. They use Twitter to make their buying decisions, crowdsource, ask questions, get answers… and then they buy. The consumers are all over the Twitter platform and many other social networks, searching for the best advice about products or services they need.
8. The Seller – These are the people who step out, ahead of the main business frame world, and use Twitter to promote and sell their products, passions, and or services. They support social media by using Tweets. They educate us via Twitter and allow us to make an informed buying decision. The “Seller” sells!
9. The @ Replier – The @ Replier is the one that is glad to publicly speak or give a shout out to friends, connections and the network at large. They connect to you and others by linking to your Twitter page on their profile and in their tweets. Where would we be without the great “@Replies” (public convo) that we see everyday on Twitter?! We see conversations and dialogue in very real time!
10. The ReTweeter – The Retweeter is excited about what you have to say and its importance. So much that they have to Declare! and say it again. Very cool. A twitter retweet is a compliment for the most part. They are saying “Hey, I want my followers to know this too!” They want to spread the word that you previously delivered to them. Too good to keep in! “Retweeters” are awesome!
11. The Linker – The Linker does exactly what they say they do… they link. The look and find the URL’s to the places or things they are Tweeting and add it to their updates. Sometimes they even go out of their way to condense that URL so they can have more character space to provide even more info, or at least roll the red carpet out for us to click the links. Linkers allow us to save time, clicking, and they get us to where we want to go Quick! Thank you “Linkers”!
I WILL see all of you when we get to the other side! Thank You! Lol
GSocialMedia – Oh, See Me on Twitter Too!

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1 Comment
    • lance4hire
    • August 10, 2009

    This is a cute post, but does succintly profile the different types of tweeters. Twitter is useful in so many different ways. One warning to the "seller," however. We may be interested in your wares, but we have to be interested in you first. It's social media, after all. I've unfollowed many folks not because they sell, but because they fail to add anything to the conversation. Sellers do go to Heaven, but spammers don't.

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