Category Archives: social media

Steps in Social Media

Social Media is a process. It does not happen overnight. Sometimes, in social networks, it is like landing on another planet and meeting…
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Social Media – The Act of Being Sociable… Online

Social Media has now joined the ranks of a "must have" outlet for businesses in the past year. It used to be "just…
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G Social Media on YouTube – Videos

G Social Media has been doing YouTube videos and accounts for many companies for awhile now. We finally decided to get him in…
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11 Tweeters You Will Meet in Twitter Heaven

If there is a Twitter Heaven, these are some of the peeps that I expect to see... These Are They:1. The Networker -…
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Why We Hate Social Media… the tale of “her”

A tale of Social Media by G:1. Social Media is New: Have you ever seen a new person come into "your business" or…
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