Author Archives: Gary Charles

Obama in Town – 4/23 Asheville Social Media School Cancelled

We had planned on being at Elaine's Piano Bar at the Grove Park Inn for the Asheville Social Media School class on Video…
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Asheville Architect wins with G Social Media

When Architect Daryl Rantis entered the recent Free Green competition against over 400 other Architects from around the World, he knew that he…
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Social Media for Businesses (mentions G Social Media of Asheville NC)

Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and YouTube — names that didn't exist a handful of years ago — are now indispensable business-survival tools.Remember when small…
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Asheville Social Media School – Class #3 April 23 – Meet The Teachers

Lots of great things planned for the up and coming free social media school in Asheville North Carolina on April 23rd from 5-7:30pm…
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